Emergency Plumbing Repair

Tuesday we received a call from some distressed homeowners who noticed their plumbing was acting up and they could only use one of the bathrooms in their home. The next day the issue turned into an emergency, leaving them with few options as a low-income family. The severe plumbing issues made it impossible to use any of the toilets in their home; this disruption forced them to wash up with wipes or go to a nearby store to wash up and use their restroom facilities. In less than 48 hours, we were able to send a contractor out to assess the situation and fix the plumbing damage. To quote our homeowner, “Now everything is running well and given the ugly situation, the experience with you all was nothing but positive!”

We are so happy to help homeowners in these emergency situations. A working bathroom is one of the most basic human needs, which provides comfort and supports a healthy home environment.

Out of order toilet
Francine Demler-Gimla