Lead Hazard Reduction ARPA Program (LHRP)
This map shows areas of the City with the highest risk for lead poisoning. This data comes from the National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network developed by the CDC. The numbers are based off of total lead poisonings of children over time. Notice that the areas of highest lead risk correspond to areas that contain the oldest housing stock. Homes built before 1978 may still contain lead paint.
This map shows the areas of Milwaukee County with the oldest housing stock. The lightest orange areas contain the oldest homes, many being built before 1947. These well-over 100-year-old homes are in critical need of home repairs and can contain hazards like lead paint.
Lead Hazard Reduction ARPA Program (LHRP)
In the City of Milwaukee, homes built prior to 1978 may contain lead paint with homes built before 1950 usually having the highest concentrations. If lead dust is swallowed or breathed, it can cause lead poisoning in children even at low levels. Lead poisoning can be difficult to detect, with symptoms such as joint and muscle pain, high blood pressure and difficulties with memory or concentration in adults. In children symptoms may include developmental delay, learning difficulties, vomiting, weight loss and abdominal pain. RM works with you, our local health departments,and community partners to offer abatement services for those affected by this on-going health crisis.
This program is funded through a City of Milwaukee subaward of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021 from June 2022 through December 2026.
Revitalize Milwaukee’s Lead Hazard Reduction ARPA Program works to reduce lead-based paint hazards in homes to protect children and families in the City of Milwaukee. Assistance is available to control or reduce lead paint hazards in homes and units occupied by low-income residents. Qualifying owner-occupied homes and tenant units can have lead paint abated at NO COST.
Property owners of multi-unit properties with non-qualified units are not obligated to pay for remaining lead-abatement work and funding depending on income may be available. Enrollment in the program is obtained via the City of Milwaukee Health Department or Community Partner Referral ONLY.
First and foremost, children or pregnant women should be tested by their primary care provider. Based on the results, the Milwaukee Health Department will refer properties to Revitalize Milwaukee. Find lead testing recommendations here.
In 2020, 99% of lead poisoning investigations in Wisconsin implicated lead-based paint as the primary source (citation of data). Children under the age of 6 are deemed especially vulnerable and considered poisoned when their blood lead level is ≥5 µg/dL or higher, however no lead level is safe. Lead abatement is designed to control or reduce lead-based paint hazards in the home.
Eligibility Requirements
The Lead Hazard Reduction ARPA Program will enroll homes in the program that meet all of these eligibility criteria. Income verification is required for clients not currently enrolled in Medicaid or BadgerCare Plus.
Owner Occupied Properties Eligibility Requirements Include:
Owner-occupied home that meets income guidelines noted below.
Homes built before 1978 with old windows or chipping paint.
Families with children under the age of six living in or regularly visiting the home.
Children under the age of six with elevated blood lead levels living in a Qualified Census Tract.
Homes with currently paid taxes or enrolled in a tax payment plan.
Covered under a current homeowner’s insurance policy for at least the value of the structure.
Tenant-Occupied Rental Home Eligibility Requirements Include:
Occupied by eligible tenants that meet income guidelines noted below.
Homes built before 1978 with old windows or chipping paint.
Tenant families with children under the age of six living in or regularly visiting the home.
Children under the age of six with elevated blood lead levels living in a Qualified Census Tract.
Homes with currently paid taxes or enrolled in a tax payment plan.
Covered under a current homeowner’s insurance policy for at least the value of the structure.
Income Limits for the Lead Hazard Reduction ARPA Program
Priority Enrollment for the Lead Hazard Reduction ARPA Program
The Program will accept referrals on a rolling basis with priority given to the following households:
Housing that is subject to lead hazard reduction work orders issued by a local health department;
The housing of children with blood lead levels meeting Wis. Stat. 254.11(9) definition for lead poisoning (≥5 µg/dL) that are not subject to lead hazard reduction work orders;
Housing identified from specific target areas, which includes qualifying census tracts, with high rates of both childhood lead poisoning and pre-1978 housing.
The Milwaukee Health Department determines blood lead level priority classifications on referrals forwarded to Revitalize Milwaukee.
What costs are covered under the Lead Hazard Reduction ARPA Program?
A lead inspection-risk assessment of the property.
Family relocation hotel/lodging cost.
Onsite storage container cost for personal belongings.
Lead-safe repairs which may include new windows, doors, painting, flooring, exterior wall siding, and other household repairs. The scope of work will be developed based on the inspection report created by the qualified Risk Assessor and approved by MHD based on scope amount.
How is the work performed?
To begin, the Lead Hazard Reduction ARPA program conducts a Lead Inspection-Risk Assessment to identify lead hazards in the client’s home. Revitalize will select a qualified contractor through a bidding process and ensure the contractor meets the scope of work and specification requirements.
Thereafter, the LHRP program funds the necessary lead abatement work to control or reduce identified hazards. Only lead-based paint can be remediated with this grant. See below for a sample timeline of a typical project.
Sample Project Timeline - Lead Hazard Reduction ARPA Program Step-by-Step Process
Start! The occupant will be referred directly by the local health department or complete a LHRP Interest Form via community partner.
Month 1 - RM will follow up with referral applicants provided by local health departments or community partners which assigned Revitalize to the case. The program administrator will reach out to connect with the occupant and provide the proper application documents.
Month 1 - The occupant will complete the application documents and return them to the program administrator. The program administrator will process the application and determine if they are eligible.
Month 2 - The program administrator will conduct a pre-inspection of the home to finalize eligibility. If eligible, the program administrator will schedule a lead inspection-risk assessment of the home to determine lead-paint hazards.
Month 2 - The program administrator will allow contractors to bid on the project and complete walkthroughs of the property until the program administrator assigns a contractor to the project.
Month 3 - The occupant is responsible for preparing the home for work to be completed, which can involve moving their personal items into a storage pod provided by the program administrator.
Month 3 - The program administrator will work with the occupant to determine a relocation plan for approximately 10-days. The occupant will be relocated during construction to an agreed upon local hotel at the cost of the program administrator.
Month 4 - The contractor will complete the scope of work determined by the risk assessment and program administrator while the occupant is relocated until clearance is passed.
Month 5 - After clearance is passed, the occupant is notified and must move back into the home. The occupant will then unload their storage pod of personal items so that the program administrator can return the pod.
Month 6 - The home is safe of lead paint hazards! The occupant must keep the documentation of this lead abatement and pass it along to any future occupants of the home.
Enrollment Questions?
The LHRP-ARPA has been launched for the 2023 programmatic year. Revitalize is currently accepting referrals via the City of Milwaukee Health Department and available to receive referrals via Community Partners.
Please contact DeAndria Evans at deandria@rtmilwaukee.org or by phone at (414) 312-7531, Ext: 908 regarding program enrollment and submitting referrals as a Community Partner.