Revitalize Milwaukee

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Geraldine's Plumbing and Accessibility Repairs

Geraldine is 80 years old and has lived in her house for 50 years. FIFTY! And she wants to continue living there for as long as she can.

When the water in her kitchen and bathroom sinks stopped running, she was getting all of her water from her tub. She didn’t know what to do so she called her nephew in Georgia who came up to help her out.

He found out about us and called us to let us know what was going on. We fixed the plumbing in her kitchen and bathroom to restore her water and installed grab bars in the bathroom and handrails in the stairwell to the basement so she can move around her home better.

There are hundreds of homeowners like Geraldine who have lived in their home for decades and want to stay there as they grow older. To help homeowners like Geraldine, donate now!